Dr. Clare Turner
Dr. Clare Turner is a Private Tutor in maths, physics and engineering. Her base is in Manchester; however, she also tutors people from all around the world via online tuition. In addition to the private tuition, Clare develops courses for the distance learning college, Wolsey Hall Oxford, creates her own resources to enhance the learning experience and is a strong promoter of STEM education.
Clare has a Masters Degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology and a PhD in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics from the University of Manchester. She also has Qualified Teacher Status, with a PGCE for teaching secondary school mathematics. One could consider engineering as being a partnership of maths and physics, but Clare's extended physics knowledge comes from a love of the subject — particularly Cosmology.
For more information about Clare's research please visit her page on the CFD & Turbulence Mechanics website or see her profile on Google Scholar.