Maths & Physics Tuition in Upton

In addition to online tuition, I tutor in Upton, Chester. I take tutorials at my home, which is packed full of resources and equipment but still homely, which makes tuition a much more relaxing experience than being at a tuition centre.


What do I need to bring?

I have shelves full of textbooks and revision guides for AQA, Edexcel, CIE, and OCR, so don’t worry about carrying textbooks around. Over the last decade I’ve collected and created many resources, which I use in tutorials and as homework.

Lots of text books

The most important thing for a student to bring is their calculator. I strongly recommend that students have their own calculator. There is only one exam paper (Paper 1 in GCSE maths) that doesn't require a calculator. All A-level maths exams and physics exams require a calculator. So you should get to know your calculator even better than your mobile phone! However, I do have spares if people forget.

I also recommend having a pencil case with a pen, pencil, protractor, ruler, rubber, and a pair of compasses. But, as with the calculator, I do have spares. Everything else I can take care of; my office is like Rymans! I have A4 squared notebooks, squared paper, graph paper, and lined paper. Plus a plethora of coloured pens, pencils, and markers.

If you have any questions or want to know what type of tuition is right for you, get in touch by emailing or give me a call on 07732824558.